Online Card Catalog
The Hugh A. White Library collection is searchable on the card catalog.
Please click here to learn more.
Your generous gifts help us further our mission.
The mission of the Marston Memorial Historical Center is to COLLECT and PRESERVE Free Methodist History and EQUIP the church to tell its story. Partner with us as we connect ALL local and international Free Methodist Churches to our shared story.
Become a Supporting Member of the Free Methodist Historical Society
Membership Levels
$1000 Marston Fellow
$250 Roberts Founder
$100 Heritage Partners
$50 Legacy Associates
$25 Senior / Student Affiliates
Mining the Past for Today’s Mission
We shape, secure and share our story. Your generosity helps us to serve the church through digitization and our ongoing ministry.
Historical e-books
The Marston Memorial Historical Center and the B.L. Fisher Library of Asbury Theological Seminary are in partnership to produce digitized materials and reprints of important historical works from the Free Methodist tradition through Asbury Theological Seminary’s First Fruits Press. Of an initial 25 projects proposed, some books have been finished and are currently available at http://place.asburyseminary.edu/freemethodistbooks/. It is the hope of First Fruits Press, the B.L. Fisher Library, Asbury Theological Seminary, and the Marston Historical Center that this partnership will further study and research into the history and influence of the Free Methodist Church by both academics and lay people alike.
317-244-3660 x 281
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Mailing Address
PO Box 51710
Indianapolis, IN 46251
Street Address
5235 Decatur Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46241